11656 Little Silvery Birdies Earrings


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11656 Little Silvery Birdies Earrings

From red summer tanagers to Christmas cardinals, from red house finches to crossbills and grossbeaks, these sweet earrings are perfect for someone who is working with bird spirit animals, someone who wants to welcome more bird energy, and especially for the bird lover, young and old alike. From hypoallergenic surgical steel ear hooks hangs a deeper red bicone glass bead with darling little birdie on a twig charm.  Let your imagination and your spirit take flight!

Fun Fact: M+C are both enthusiastic bird watchers.

Sending you so much love and aloha as you go through your day, and thank you for sharing your time with us and sharing Earthly Abundance with your family and friends. We’re growing stronger with supporters like you.




Additional information

Weight14 g
Dimensions3.5 × 2.0 × .50 in


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