11289 Rose Quartz + Rhodonite Necklace


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11289 Rose Quartz + Rhodonite Necklace

 This is a healing and loving pendant features a selected combination of genuine, high quality, pale pink rose quartz with pink and black rhodonite, wrapped with stainless wire. and comes with a 24″ silver colored metal chain with lobster clasp, so it will hang a little longer and closer to the heart for many people. The pendant is 1.5″ long, so it’s a nice sized with stones in gorgeous hues of pinks. Love, Beauty, Happiness, & Peace – in wearable art form – a  necklace made with love and support for your personal healing journey. 

It’s a perfect pendant for the soul who is ready to bring more love into their life, the soul who is learning how to care for themselves better or increase their general self-love, or the soul healing a restless and saddened heart, or the soul that pours out so much love to everyone around them completely unselfishly you want to let them know they are loved too. 

Pink and black rhodonite is emotionally soothing and healing, boosts compassion and healing, and helpful for dissolving lingering emotional scars from past traumas. Sweet pale pink rose quartz is the stone of unconditional love and forgiveness. It supports your efforts to love yourself more and actively practice the art of self-love and self care. Rose quartz offers a supportive boost of compassion, peace, and comfort. It’s said to be helpful for emotional and mental healing as it is good at calming emotional upsets, easing emotional traumas, and increasing restful sleep. Rose quartz helps your heart with reawakening to its own innate love and may even work as an aphrodisiac for some. And this necklace is shimmering with all that love and support plus gratitude and joy from our hearts to yours for being here and choosing our art to help inspire your journey and beyond. 

With so so so much Love,


Additional information

Weight14 g
Dimensions3.5 × 2 × .5 in


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